
Showing posts from October, 2018

What are the key techniques for proper management of fixed assets

Why do we need to manage fixed assets properly? The management and supervision of fixed assets can be an extremely unpredictable process. To manage these tasks with precision a Fixed Asset Management Solution comes in handy. Fixed asset management techniques include the tracking of Fixed Assets, Precautionary and Corrective Maintenance, Tracking and Theft Prevention. It is a test for organizations to precisely track the condition, location and status of their fixed assets, particularly for organizations which work from various areas. To keep up an appropriate Fixed Asset Record while at the same time consenting to Accounting and Taxation ethics is a test for a business of any size. Source-  Depreciationguru Five ways to Manage Fixed Assets Efficiently Safekeeping of assets: Secure supervision of assets is the most vital role in fixed asset management process and can be proficient by handing over a skilled individual as a custodian. Keeping up an elevated expectation of

Significance of value-based pricing and its impact on client engagement

The growing use of value-based pricing in the start-ups Traditionally, this type of pricing model works with the established brands for which the consumers are ready to pay the premium price because of brand recognition. But, in the recent years, many of the start-ups which are run the by the millennials are turning towards the value-based pricing, and they are running the business successfully even though their companies are not the giant brands. These start-ups are using the innovative techniques to justify the pricing they have put on their products and/or services such as a social cause affiliated with their brand or niche products/services which big brands are reluctant to provide, or addressing the needs of people in a way which haven’t yet been addressed. Impact of value-based pricing on client engagement The benefits of offering the value-based pricing can vary from one business to another, and both clients and the business owners stand to gai

What is fixed assets management? What are the benefits of it?

Irrespective of what type of business you run, you most likely own properties that benefit in delivering products and/or services.  Fixed assets  are everlasting things that increase the value of your business. They are tangible assets that you don’t think to change over and trade out into one or two years. Likewise, long-term intangible assets can be known as a fixed asset, similar to a trademark, patent or brand. We will be discussing the benefits of fixed asset management in this blog. What is fixed asset management software? The administration of fixed assets cannot be changed over to a reasonable trade in a convenient way. As tracking different locations, maintenance and settings necessities for assets can be troublesome. A confided framework helps organizations rapidly actualize a serial code-based asset accounting system to simplify the process. These frameworks are known as fixed asset management software. Source-  Virmati Benefits of Fixed Assets Management Sof

How to Protect your Public Data with Open Source Intelligence

What is an Open Source Intelligence? Open Source Intelligence is the group and study of material that is collected from the public or  open sources . Open Source Intelligence is mainly used in national safety, law application, and business intelligence functions. Open Source Intelligence is attained by absorption of video, image, audio, and text data from public domain  sources  and examine the consumed data to yield visions from all data sources. The analysis is based upon in-depth neural network procedures which enable the system to accomplish and refine acknowledgements of patterns and trends. What is a Public data of an individual? Public data is evidence that can be freely used, reused and reallocated by anybody with no national or international restrictions on usage. In the enterprise, data can be classified as public if the information is accessible to employees and all individual beings to the corporation. Public data has the latent to help from students to in

The need for integrating DevOps in Mainframe | KnowledgeNile

Brief Glance The Application life cycles are getting changed with the every passing day and organizations are switching towards integrating different sectors in order to keep up with the demands of modern day business requirements. One of the most important aspects of this revolution is the inherent need of the organizations to integrate DevOps in Mainframe. Organizations are moving towards the integrating DevOps in the Mainframe with the tremendous transformation in the technology. But, most of the Development or Operation professionals are bit confused with their role in the  Mainframe DevOps . The purpose of this blog is to understand the need for integrating DevOps in Mainframe and the key benefits of the same. The Need of Integrating DevOps in Mainframe Ease of sharing KPIs Progress, Success, and failures which are considered as the  Key Performance Indicators  as they explain the quality of the work and help us understand the impact of the same on other depart

The perks of IT Compliance with hybrid cloud, DevOps and containers

Current Scenario- Business units in Hybrid Cloud demands the capacity to release new software designs and highlights quickly. To improve release lifecycles, a line of business groups have implemented open-source tools for setup, arrangement, and release automation. What is a Hybrid Cloud? Hybrid cloud is a  cloud computing  platform that uses a blend of on-premises, private cloud and the third party, public cloud administrations with organization between the two platforms. The hybrid cloud provides organizations with more noteworthy adaptability and more information arrangement alternatives. Source-  virtualizationpractice What is DevOps? DevOps  is the combination of social concepts, practices, and strategies that forms an association’s ability to convey applications and services at high promptness: advancing and enhancing products at a quicker pace than associations utilizing conventional programming improvement and organization management processes. Source-  AWS

The need for Multifactor authentication for Mainframe Access

What is multifactor authentication? It is a method of authentication through which access to the computer system is granted after the successful verification of two or more factors/ steps. Generally, the Multifactor Authentication mechanism consists of two or three-factor authentication. It is decided by using the combination of the following factors: Knowledge : Something users and only users know Possession : Something, only the users, possess Inherence : Something, the users and only the users are Time:  Verification of identity through the time Location:  Verification of identity through the location Source:  KnowledgeNile The easiest example to understand the Multifactor Authentication is the withdrawal of money through ATMs. It works on two-factor authentication. PIN Debit/Credit Card What is Mainframe Technology? The computers which are mainly used to execute the critica

A quick walk-through with Mainframe DevOps | Knowledgenile

Defining Mainframe DevOps Mainframes are a kind of servers that for the most part are known for their huge size, a measure of capacity, handling power and high level of dependability. They are principally used by large organisations for mission-basic applications requiring high volumes of information dispensation. MainFrame DevOps Source-  Techcommunity DevOps is what you get when you separate the boundaries that have customarily isolated developers from IT activities. The objective behind the DevOps development is to empower “consistent conveyance.” This implies programming is composed, verified, tried and sent to end clients on a close, constant basis, without any crimps or delays in the pipeline. The significance of DevOps on the Mainframe Up until now, the DevOps discussion has concentrated for the most part on more up to date programming languages and advancements. Infrastructure platforms, similar