Top Five Cyber-threats for 2019 | Cyber security | Knowledgenile


In this age of digital transformation, the biggest challenge Organizations face comes from cyber-threats. As we are making a shift towards the cloud, our organisational data is getting vulnerable to the constant cyber-threats. The cyber-attacks aren’t limited to large organizations as they were a couple of years ago. Nowadays even small organizations are also getting hit by the cyber-attacks.

Top Five Cyber-Threats


Ransomware has been the biggest threats for the last five-odd years, and they are still expected to be the top cyber-threat. This has been causing the most damage and considered as the most dangerous threat amongst the types of cyber-threats.
Ransomware is a type of software which encrypts the data until the asked ransom is paid. Most of the ransomware is sent through the email attachments, and once you open the email, the virus downloads itself and starts corrupting the files on the computer.

Possible Remedies:

As they say, prevention is better than cure, the best way forward for preventing the ransomware is to identifying the ransomware with the effective protective measures.
Educating your staff by letting them know the type of emails that generally contain such viruses and asking them not to open them or asking them not to download the attachments from the unknown sources.


Phishing is generally an attempt to gain the personal data by posing as a known authority; normally an online service or a bank. Spear phishing has caused tremendous data loss for many organizations. The main reason behind this is they seem to be completely authentic and genuine making it more difficult to understand the difference.


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