
Showing posts from September, 2018

Is Manufacturing Execution System a good candidate for Cloud Computing?

The term Manufacturing Execution System was initially devised to include bright controllers often called as System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). A complete ecosystem grew up about this idea, with devices, sensors and applications cooperating with each other, mostly detached from the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) business systems. A  manufacturing  execution system (MES) offers the footing for processes to plan, achieve, and track each step during manufacture. But in current manufacture environment, more gear and machines are becoming connected, and they need to be linked to manufacturing execution systems to provide actual actionable data. With this kind of data accessible to your operations team, they can keep an eye to increase uptime, decrease costs, and recover productivity. More industrialists see the advantage of today’s digital and cloud ERP skills to take manufacturing e

How to implement the effective enterprise content management system?

In your continuous efforts to raise your business, you will need to modify the business processes, to always upgrade your products, mechanise your business with technology and keep your employees and customers satisfied.  Content  Management System is a crucial reflection in the acceptance and implementation in the business. The good news is that there are wide-ranging practices for content management system during any enterprise technology implementation, and if it gets completely on the track, these practices can take the sting out of any application. The emergence of  content management  solutions is far easier to implement and more accessible to integrate than previous solutions. Technology in business nowadays go twisted because they are done in segregation without buy-in from end users, and they try to sort it out in a short amount of time. Read More: Here are some tips on how to implement an effec

Innovative ways to secure your business data

Introduction Business data is one of the most important facets of your organization. All the organizations are taking enormous efforts to protect their business data. We will be discussing key ways of protecting the business data with the help of key threats to your business data and how to find a way around them. What qualifies as a Business Data? It is the information related to people, place, things, organizational rules, and events related to day to day operations. Top ways to secure Business Data Educate your employees about the significance of Business Data The most important step in securing your business data is to ensure the employees of your company are properly educated about the significance of the same. This can be achieved through various training sessions on the importance of business data and training the employees with comprehensive ways to protect it. If the employees und

Innovative Approaches to achieve Privacy by Design | Knowledgenile

What is Privacy by Design? A framework through which the privacy by design for operations of Information technology systems, integrated networks, business models can be embedded successfully. The term was first coined back in 1995 by Ann Cavoukian. And the framework was first published in 2009. Though Ann Cavoukian’s theory has been termed as vague and since then there has been the tremendous development from all the fronts. Even the GDPR incorporates the current framework of Privacy by Design. According to  Dr Ann Cavoukian , “ Protecting privacy while meeting the regulatory requirements for data protection around the world is becoming an increasingly challenging task. Taking a comprehensive, properly implemented risk-based approach—where globally defined risks are anticipated, and countermeasures are built into systems and operations, by design—can be far more effective, and more likely to

How does Modern Note Taking approach moulds with Digital revolution

Note taking is as old as any art. There are large books on the topic of how to suitably represent and arrange information in an immediate and readable way. We have many new options for note taking nowadays than before like notebooks, voice memos, sticky notes but augmented alternatives don’t automatically guide to the improved efficiency or modernization. By using the correct note taking practices, we can capture our greatest concepts while also increasing imagination, retaining and teamwork. It looks like the crags of existing information haven’t caught up with the modern age so far, directing towards traditional note-taking methods, but overall bypassing digital note taking technologies and practices and support in determining which technique of note-taking is best for the individual. The significance of Note taking with Digital revolution There are many reasons for taki

The importance of visuals in an effective content marketing strategy

Content marketing is significantly more than generating, allocating and distributing text to draw in groups of onlookers, create leads, enhance marking, and other promoting objectives you can present with content marketing. Visual Content Marketing: Why It Matters? Content is the ruler in digital marketing, with composed words yet still ruling today. But now it has moved toward becoming so typical that it’s difficult to overlook its worth— visual content. It’s no big surprise that YouTube and Facebook are the most common social network around the world. Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest are also getting up to speed. Source-  Coolerinsights Why embrace visual content Marketing? In visual content marketing, you use videos, infographics, images, memes, gifs or different sorts of visual content for your marketing campaigns.  Here are four particular ways a visual content strategy can enable you

A 360 Degree View about Managing and Transforming Data in Business

360-degree customer view  is the impression that businesses can get a comprehensive view of consumers by combining data from the numerous touch points that a consumer may use to contact a business to obtaining products and receive service and support. Many numbers of organizations now use an increasing collection of tools to grow this 360-degree view, counting social media listening tools to collect what customers are saying on websites like Facebook and Twitter. So it has become more significant than ever for this software to participate with other stages to allow data allocation and a unified, up-to-date, accurate view of customers. In some cases, this may include the use of application programming crossing point to share data.  Data value and data cleaning  practices may also be essential to achieve a precise picture of customers, where the data is present, not duplicate or conflictin

Microsoft announces new Windows 10 preview with retail-like apprises

Microsoft  out a new broadcast for PCs with a retail restart skill. This dimension is from the RS5 branch, which signifies the Windows 10 update which the company plans to release later this year. The company is also liberating builds from the 19H1 chapter, which, as its name specifies, it will arrive in the first half of year 2019. Windows 10  is being established as a provision; this means it accepts new structures on a regular basis. Microsoft has unconfined five major apprises so far: November Update, Anniversary Update, Creators Update, and April 2018 Update. Windows 10 wants to improve how builds are delivered before releasing to retail. This desktop build also comprises of the following overall bug fixes and enhancements: Secure the matter impacting WDAG, Remote Desktop and Hyper-V. Remote Desktop Client (mstsc.exe) operators should no longer see an error dialogue grouchy abo

Myths about Moving to the Cloud Storage

Cloud is a crucial enabler to change and development. In the latest years, it is a highly trending technology. Businesses and enterprises are implementing it not only streamline the infrastructure provisioning procedure but also to stay on forth of the competition. Read More: Why are we trying our best to move our self towards cloud technology? In this article, we talk about the cloud storage myths, and things you need to identify in cloud- computing. What is Cloud- Computing? More and more, we recognize technology shifting to the cloud. It’s not just a trend-the change from customary software models to the internet has progressively increased force in the last ten years. Looking forward, the succeeding period of Cloud- computing assures innovative methods to work together everywhere, over portable devices. Read More:

Key elements to create workspace to engage and inspire today’s workers

The Need of today’s workers: Today’s worker often referred as a millennial, prioritizes the surroundings in the workspace. The forces driving them don’t stop with just the profit, but their first priority is work satisfaction and that often comes from the company’s strategy with the innovation and its societal impact. The aesthetics of the workplace plays an integral part in the enhancement of employee productivity. Read More: Modern Workspace Elements: The modern workspace stands are evolving with every passing day. And if you take a look at the examples of Facebook’s 450,000 square foot office known as “ Garden Roofed Fantasyland ” or Apple’s headquarters “ Apple Park ” in Cupertino, CA, or the Google’s headquarters “ GooglePlex ”; you will come to know the efforts companies are putting in order to give their employees the best environment to work. Read More:  https://www.knowledg

Top Five Cyber-threats for 2019 | Cyber security | Knowledgenile

Introduction In this age of digital transformation, the biggest challenge Organizations face comes from cyber-threats. As we are making a shift towards the cloud, our organisational data is getting vulnerable to the constant cyber-threats. The cyber-attacks aren’t limited to large organizations as they were a couple of years ago. Nowadays even small organizations are also getting hit by the cyber-attacks. Top Five Cyber-Threats Ransomware Ransomware has been the biggest threats for the last five-odd years, and they are still expected to be the top cyber-threat. This has been causing the most damage and considered as the most dangerous threat amongst the types of cyber-threats. Ransomware is a type of software which encrypts the data until the asked ransom is paid. Most of the ransomware is sent through the email attachments, and once you open the email, the virus downloads itself and starts corrupting the fi

How do Social Media Platforms Boost Website Search Rank?

Brief Glance: All of us are experiencing the impact social media is having on our daily lives. Many online marketers are focused on developing various strategies to promote their websites through social media.  Read More: We have wondered about the impact of promoting websites through the Social Media Platforms; and whether the social actions (such as likes, shares, comments, retweets, etc.), impressions, regularity in the content publishing impact in boosting website rank. This Blog discusses the impact of social media platforms on boosting the website search rank with the help of topics such as website search rank, Social Platforms, Google website ranking, and Google ranking tools. How Is Website ranked in searches ? As we all know, Google ranks a website through algorithms on the basis of various stringent criteria such as relevance, authority, presence, and genuineness of the c

What is industry 4.0? Things you need to know.

As we have seen many changes from smartphones to smart fridges, technology has engaged in recreation a key role in evolving most zones of our everyday lives. But it is also renovating the world of industry. Read More: Industry 4.0 is the tag given to the regular arrangement of outmoded manufacturing and industrial practices with the progressively scientific world around us. This comprises using large-scale M2M and  Internet of Things (IoT)  arrangements to help producers and consumers alike provide amplified automation, enhanced communication and monitoring. Industries will become Smart Industries with automation and self-monitoring, as the machines have the ability to examine and communicate with each other and their social co-workers, allowing companies for much smoother procedures that free up workers for other tasks. Who started Industry 4.0 or we can say Smart I

Impact of Cloud Computing on Financial Services Industry

Introduction Traditionally, the financial service industries have been reluctant to adapt to the cloud computing platform citing various reasons. There were few glitches as financial services industry is a highly regulated industry which requires strict IT security measures and privacy norms.  Read More:    These organizations were unable to provide the assurances on time and to the scale which the organizations were demanding. But lately, many of the financial services organizations are welcoming the move to the cloud with open arms. Most of them are interested in running customer-facing, mobile apps and digital applications in the public crowd. But, they are reluctant to migrate the back-end applications such as core banking or payment system. What is Cloud Computing? According to  National Institute of Standards and Technology, Maryland (NIST ) , Cloud computing can be defined as “a pay-per

What is SSL: Why It Makes Your Website More Secure

Google now confidently commends protecting websites with HTTPS, which recommends that not only this will be vital for organizations that wish their websites to do well in search, but more visitors will come to forecast it. Read More: You might have heard the term SSL many times, or maybe someone said your website requires an SSL certificate but you are not sure which one is. Website security is not only limited to certain types of websites but it’s the best run-through for all organizations and businesses that want to enhance their search engine performance, begin credibility with visitors, and uphold an expert web presence. So, what is SSL for a website? SSL stands for  Secure Sockets Layer  and is the technology currently used to make an encoded link between a web server and a browser. This permits all the data and statistics accepted between the web server and the browser to stay seclud

Top 5 Security Strategies for DevOps, APIs and microservices

An IT Organization that wants to become the corporate driver of that is going to need an open source for two reasons. First, the licensing representations of exclusive  security strategy  software are still tied to the continuous, per-server license fee. The difficulty here is that the modern security strategy applications are spread and must deal with unpredictable workloads and need application means to start and stop regularly. Second, using security strategy software ties the user’s invention cycle to that of the vendor which completely opposing your ability to build your functionality to address your particular needs. Ask yourself what do you need to struggle with both DevOps and  Microservices  instantaneously? Do we need to convert our Ops team into a DevOps team while we concurrently wreak havoc on our source code to convey microservices? Let’s find out some answers further we m

Why was Electronic Performance and Tracking Systems (EPTS) Used at the 2018 FIFA World Cup

On 15th July 2018, France lifted the coveted 2018 FIFA World Cup to be crowned the world champions in football. But on the same day, someone else also won – technology. This was a journey that began in 2015 with FIFA being approached to allow performance tracking of players during matches, and that resulted in a substantial amount of study to finally having the Law 4 in the FIFA rules and regulations to allow the use of EPTS technology during match play in 2017. Read More: Electronic performance and tracking systems (EPTS) is the new football technology which expects to fill in the information gaps for the teams about their players’ performance when on the field. Earlier the coaches would rely on the information relayed by the players themselves, but with the EPTS technology, coaches have the digitally gathered information first hand to monitor the fatigue

Amazing Artificial Intelligence in Marketing 2018

One of the largest and most significant inclinations in business today is the stable growth of  AI  in marketing. While people frequently think of Artificial Intelligence in terms of the methods it can eradicate unskilled tasks such as paperwork and scheduling, the point is that it will soon be moving to every part of the business world. Read More: Artificial Intelligence  is performing more than just providing companies with virtual assistants. AI in Marketing is helped by an unbelievable trend of information that is available from advanced data analytics tools which are providing more insight into customers as well as how to market them. Jordan Bitterman, CMO  of The Weather Company at IBM says: “There are twelve threats to civilization; AI is one of these twelve threats. However, AI is the only threat which can also be the antidote for the other eleven.” Marketing Industry is embracing to the  Artificial

Machine Learning Vs. Artificial Intelligence

Before moving to the discussions such as the comparison between Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence, we must first understand what they mean and how they function. What is Machine Learning? The machine learning is the process by which the machine can learn without prior explicit commands. Machine learning is an application of AI where the system can learn from the experiences and improve by the same. Read More: What is Artificial Intelligence? As the name suggests Artificial intelligence if broken into two simple words will lead to its meaning; Artificial meaning something which is not natural and more like human-made and intelligence means the ability to understand or think. Artificial Intelligence is not a system, but it is implemented in the system. AI is generally expected to mimic the human behaviour and perform all the tasks just as a human can. What’s the difference between