
Know-how of improving website speed | KnowledgeNile

Most of the new websites have faced loading time issues at least once in the lifetime of a website. Some of us have resolved these issues to a certain extent. But not all of us can boast that they have resolved all the issues related to website speed forever. The need for Website speed optimization According to industry standards, if a page on your website takes more than 4 seconds to load; it is deemed that your site is facing speed issues. Website speed optimization not only helps you to retain your customers but also improve your credibility. If you want your website to rank higher in Google Rankings, page loading time plays an important part. Tools to Identify and Improve Website Speed Website optimization tools can be speed measurement tools; image optimization tools, image compression tools, cache clearance tools, Content delivery network tools. I am listing some of the tools which I found useful. Google PageSpeed Insights : – It is a tool from Google which show

Five email marketing automation mistakes you're probably making

Email Marketing Automation is most likely the swiftest developing zone of  digital marketing  presently. You can choose which email you need to send, at what time and to whom. Because of the regularly expanding number of digital platforms and practices, automation is indeed a method for getting extra out of your time and efforts. But even with ample resources available and advanced email marketing software, mistakes are regularly made which negatively impacts the opens and conversions. Five email marketing automation mistakes that are costing your company revenue Selecting the wrong Email marketing software There are different software ready to carry out the task. Some of them are simple versions with limited capacities while some with composite structures and keen highlights. Although initially, those features would appear to be alluring and valuable; however they probably won’t be deserving of the cost you are paying for it. Therefore, most importantly, go for software that o

What will Marketing automation bring for B2B companies in 2019?

What is Marketing Automation? According to  Hubspot , Marketing automation is a software which operates with the goal of automation of marketing actions. MA tool was developed keeping in mind repetitive tasks the teams have to do such as  social media , emails, and other website related tasks. This tool optimizes these tasks. Need for Marketing Automation: Marketing automation empowers sales teams with better leads, in return having a higher ROI. Hence, the best teams have switched to the technology. These tools give better insights into the entire  lea d generation  funnel; they also allow more effective analysis of when the leads are going to make the purchase. The accuracy of the leads and the predicted time frame of the lead life cycle is the most crucial advantage of marketing automation for  B2B  companies. This results in more revenue and better growth. It allows you to scale your campaigns, reach out to target audience in a structured manner and have a great ROI o

EndPoint Security: how does it prevent data theft? | KnowledgeNile

Data thefts  in professional workplaces frequently happen although a significant number of them stay unnoticed for quite a while. Medium and small companies are usually the most severely influenced, particularly when no  security  estimations are set up inside the IT frame. Endpoint security programming does not just ensure and shield business insider facts, financial assets and significant resources, they also effectively avoid extreme harm to the organization’s status which might be demolished where secret organization data can be leaked. What Is Endpoint Security or Endpoint Protection and why is It Important? Endpoint security alludes to safeguarding endpoints, or user devices like workstations, desktops, laptops and  mobile phones . Endpoint security programming shields these purposes of passage from unsafe action as well as a serious outbreak. At the point when organizations can guarantee endpoint amenability with information  security  gauges, they can keep up more promine

Crucial Steps to Optimize Enterprise Data-Center | KnowledgeNile

What is Data-Center optimization? According to  Techopedia , Data-center optimization is the process which helps to improve the efficiency of programs and initiatives of an enterprise’s data-center operation. The process includes reconfiguration or data-center change to cut resources without hampering functionality. Need for Data-center Optimization: The role of IT is expected to be that of a partner with business innovation while reducing operating expenditures and maintaining business output these days. This technology is evolving at a rapid pace, and keeping up with it is one of the greatest challenges of today’s IT sector. This Blog provides crucial steps to data-center optimization. Source:  Intel Crucial Steps to optimize data-center Articulate a Strategy for Data-Center You need to identify the sequence and strategize the steps to reach the point where you want to lead your data-center. Your strategy helps you to provide the vision and path to improve you

What will Marketing automation bring for B2B companies in 2019?

What is Marketing Automation ? According to  Hubspot , Marketing automation is a software which operates with the goal of automation of marketing actions. MA tool was developed keeping in mind repetitive tasks the teams have to do such as  social media , emails, and other website related tasks. This tool optimizes these tasks. Need for Marketing Automation : Marketing automation empowers sales teams with better leads, in return having a higher ROI. Hence, the best teams have switched to the technology. These tools give better insights into the entire  lea d generation  funnel; they also allow more effective analysis of when the leads are going to make the purchase. The accuracy of the leads and the predicted timeframe of the lead life cycle is the most crucial advantage of marketing automation for  B2B  companies. This results in more revenue and better growth. Read More:

EndPoint Security: how does it prevent data theft?

Data thefts  in professional workplaces frequently happen although a significant number of them stay unnoticed for quite a while. Medium and small companies are usually the most severely influenced, particularly when no  security  estimations are set up inside the IT frame. Endpoint security programming does not just ensure and shield business insider facts, financial assets and significant resources, they also effectively avoid extreme harm to the organization’s status which might be demolished where secret organization data can be leaked. What Is Endpoint Security or Endpoint Protection and why is It Important? Endpoint security alludes to safeguarding endpoints, or user devices like workstations, desktops, laptops and  mobile phones . Endpoint security programming shields these purposes of passage from unsafe action as well as a serious outbreak. At the point when organizations can guarantee endpoint amenability with information  security  gauges, they can keep up more promine